Green Companies are Paving the Way

We all have a responsibility to take care of our planet. Until recently, being eco-friendly and sustainable were not major priorities for many larger businesses. However, as time goes by we are beginning to realise the impact that we have on the earth and its inhabitants and that we all have a responsibility to do our bit to protect it.

Many businesses are starting to take a step towards becoming more sustainable. Whether it’s through sourcing green office supplies, recycling paper, toner and packaging or using electric fleets, every effort leads towards a healthier planet.

While there are a growing number of ‘green offices’ in the world, a few companies stand out from the crowd when it comes to sustainability, eco-friendliness and an all-round green approach to business operation.


Premium automobile and motorcycle manufacturers BMW are another company that take their sustainability responsibilities very seriously. The BMW Group committed itself to the Nations Environment Programme, the UN Global Compact and the Cleaner Production Declaration in 2001 and have continued to uphold their reputation as one of the world’s most sustainable automotive companies ever since.

The BMW Group have a strong commitment to developing electrified drive trains and have sold more than 100,000 electric and hybrid vehicles.

They also currently source 58% of the energy they use from renewable sources.[1]


Swedish furniture chain, IKEA, are doing their fair share to ensure that they have as little impact on the earth as possible. They have already switched their entire lighting range to energy-efficient LED and are sourcing all of the cotton they use in their products from more sustainable sources.

Since 2009 the IKEA Group has invested €2.1 billion in acquiring their own solar and wind power generation equipment and are committed to working towards producing as much energy as they use in their operations from renewable sources.

IKEA also plan to source all of the wood they use in their products from more sustainable sources by 2020.[2]


The sports clothing department and footwear company, Nike, delve deep into their supply chain to find strategies to reduce their environmental impact. They use more efficient design and manufacturing facilities to eliminate waste, claiming to have diverted 92% of their footwear manufacturing waste from landfill.

They are committed to increasing their use of more sustainable materials and reducing their overall waste. Nike also plans to source 100% of the energy they use from renewable sources.[3]

Greener Future

These are just some of the companies paving the way to a greener future. We appreciate that not everyone has the capacity to achieve such admirable goals, but there are opportunities for offices and businesses to easily begin their journey to becoming more sustainable and reducing their impact on the environment:

The journey starts here. Contact Global Office Supplies today to discuss our sustainable services and find out how we can help you on the way to a greener office.

Sources: [1], [2], [3]

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