What's in Your Sustainability Policy?

As we move onwards with the green movement, many companies across the Globe have created a wide range of sustainability policies to show how they are contributing towards creating a greener future.

What you put into your sustainability policy is completely dependent on your company and the goals you want to achieve, but to give you some ideas, we have listed some key aspects you could include below.

Simple, Everyday Tasks

  • Print your paper documents double-sided instead of using two separate sheets.
  • Put a procedure in place that ensures everyone turns the relevant light off when leaving the room unattended.
  • Avoid printing documents, store files on computers if you are able to.


  • You could give employees the opportunity to work from home once a week as this will not only improve work-life balance but it will also mean they do not need to create any emissions by travelling to work.
  • Implement a cycle to work or carpool scheme, or both.
  • Encourage the use of public transport.
  • Swap in-person meetings for video or telephone calls where possible.

Purchase Eco-Friendly Office Equipment

  • Purchase products made from recycled materials from companies like Global Office Supplies.
  • Replace traditional light bulbs with energy saving light bulbs across the building.
  • Use reusable cups and mugs instead of paper or plastic.
  • Recycle your office waste.

Get Thinking

Now you’ve had some ideas, why not start creating your own sustainability policy? You can start by looking at the processes and daily tasks carried out within your organisation and find ways (like those stated above) to help them become more sustainable. And, remember, you can always contact your trusted green office experts to help you do this.

If you need any help with your sustainability policy, or would just like some advice, please feel free to contact Global Office Supplies on 0208 304 0185, email to sales@globaloffice.co.uk or by filling out the contact form on our contact page.

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