FREE Toner Recycling For Everyone!

Here at Global Office Supplies, we’ve got a solution to help you become more Green at Work and help the environment by collecting your old and used toner cartridges for FREE!
Over 85% of the ink and toner units we collect can be remanufactured in the UK to make cost-effective alternative printer products. Only just less than 1% can’t be recycled.

Toner cartridges are largely made of plastic, which means that when they are thrown out and head to landfill, they can take thousands of years to decompose!
When you consider that 15% of the 65 million cartridges used each year make their way to landfill, the problem is huge!

Head over to our Toner Recycling page to find out exactly how it works!

We’ve got a huge range of other recycled and re-usable products available, just head over to our shop to see how we can show you how to be green at work!

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