Your Green Office Guide For Running a Sustainable and Cost-Effective Office

Your Green Office Guide For Running a Sustainable and Cost-Effective Office

Are you looking to transform your office into a sustainable and cost-effective environment? If so, you’re in luck. Below, we have placed four easy-to-implement procedures you can incorporate to do just that…

1. Monitoring Your Usage

First things first, keep an eye on your usage, whether that be in terms of energy or office supplies. Keeping your appliances on overnight or printing hundreds of pieces of paper each day can be highly damaging to the environment as it increases your energy consumption and creates high levels of office waste.

To steer away from this, you could start to keep a record of how much paper is printed and encourage your coworkers to store their files electronically, only printing essential documents as and when needed.

2. Recycle

Recycling should be a part of everyday practice for all businesses as it helps save energy and money, clean the environment and reduce rubbish within landfills, as well as allowing us to create brand new products from the waste we wanted to get rid of.

Every year, offices within the UK produce over 250 million tonnes of harmful waste and release toxic emissions into our atmosphere, contaminating the air and adding to the deterioration of our planet. Recycling provides us with the perfect opportunity to stop adding to landfill sites and transform our waste into usable office supplies such as paper, books, labels, pens and even adhesives and tapes instead.

3. Energy Saving

Energy saving is another important strategy your office should incorporate. The most simple place to start would be opting for energy saving lightbulbs as they are an easy and effective way to help your office go green and become eco-friendly. Not only do they save energy and costs, but they are also better for the environment. There are three main types of energy saving light bulbs that you can purchase to help lower your office emissions and costs:

  1. Light-Emitting Diodes (LED)
  2. Halogens
  3. Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)

4. Green Office Supplies

Purchasing eco-friendly office supplies and stationery is essential as it will drastically reduce your impact on the environment and help limit the amount of waste that is sent to landfill sites. Not only do Global Office Supplies offer a wide range of green office supplies, but we go the extra mile and collect your old stationery to send it off for recycling.

To find out more information, purchase any of our products or use our services, please contact Global Office Supplies on 0845 519 1556, email to or by filling out the contact form on our contact page.

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