Simple Ways to Make Your Office Go Green

With all the information available online, it can get very confusing as to what the best green office practices are, with most being quite complex and expensive. Therefore, we have created a green office guide to help you get started on helping your office go green, all of which can be done completely free of charge (or for a small fee).

Switch Off Unused Appliances

Did you know that leaving appliances switched on overnight can release a large amount of harmful gases into the atmosphere? So, if they are not in use, why leave them on? We suggest that you encourage coworkers to ensure they have switched all the appliances they have used throughout the day off before they set off home.

As well as saving the environment, switching off unused appliances will also save you a significant amount of money and your electrical appliances are less likely to become faulty or overused. It’s a win-win situation.

Use an Alternative Energy Supply

Nuclear power is the traditional form of generating electricity, but as the world turns towards renewable energy, so should your office. You can also save money if you use green energy providers that source their energy from wind farms, solar power, hydropower and other forms of renewable energy.

Turn the Taps Off

Leaving taps on, even if it is only slightly, can cause gallons and gallons of water waste and could mean your business has a very high carbon footprint. It is essential that you ensure all taps are turned off, especially before everyone leaves for the day. You can do this by sending out an email, adding reminders to calendars or placing a poster above the taps in the bathroom.

Plant a Tree

Now this one may sound a little bizarre, but planting a just one tree helps the green movement largely as trees absorb the CO2 in our atmosphere and replace it with clean oxygen. You don’t need to be an expert gardener to plant a tree, just find a nice spot with room for it to grow and there you have it. However, if you feel a tree is a bit extravagant then why not start by planting flowers or plants? Whatever you choose, we’re sure it’ll have environmental benefits.

Use Global Office Supplies

Did you know Global Office Supplies create products from recycled materials and offer a wide range of services to help your office go green? We offer services ranging from paper shredding and print management all the way up to free stationery audits and free toner recycling.

Why Not Check Out Our Services Today?

To find out more information, purchase any of our products or use our services, please contact Global Office Supplies on 0208 304 0185, email to or by filling out the contact form on our contact page.

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