The Eco-Friendly Way to Create Business Cards

Business cards are a simple necessity that the majority of businesses create, print and distribute in hope of gaining new clients. However, as business cards are usually printed on either paper or cardboard, business owners are becoming concerned over how much damage they cause the environment.
It goes without saying that we believe offices should be able to produce all the essentials they want or need in an eco-friendly manner. Below we have placed some top tips on how you can create as many business cards as you like in the greenest way possible.
When printing your well designed business cards, it is essential that your printing is managed and you only produce a realistic amount. Printing too many can not only be expensive, but also damaging on the environment. Global Office Supplies have over 28 years experience and can advise you on how to effectively manage the production of your eco-friendly business cards.
As well as this, we can help your business produce cards that help you stand out from the crowd, reproduce your current cards or design and print new ones at a lower, more cost-effective price.
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Free Toner Recycling
If you decide you’d rather print your own business cards, or print documents off regularly, then it is highly important that your ink cartridges and toners are recycled.
Global Office Supplies offer a free and essential service where we collect all of your used toner and ink cartridges free of charge. We will send you a freepost envelope – all you have to do is fill it up with empty cartridges and send it back to us. This will enhance your green office recycling and save your cartridges from a thousand years in landfill while showing others how to be green at work.
Check out our free toner recycling service
If you have any business cards left over or you have decided to revamp them, it is important that you dispose of your old ones responsibly and recycle them. As well as this, you could encourage those you distribute to recycle them as it has many benefits to the environment.
Recycling is possibly the most simple, yet effective, way to help your office go green. You can transform your waste into green office supplies and lead the way towards a greener future. You can also purchase items made from recycled materials instead of conventional plastic and non-biodegradable materials. That way you are practising what you preach, and who doesn’t love doing that?
Contact us today
For more information, please contact Global Office Supplies on 0845 519 1556, email to or by filling out the contact form on our contact page.