Thank You!

This is a difficult time for everyone and many of us are doing our best to distance ourselves from others while trying to keep our lives moving forwards.
Lots of us are finding it difficult to keep going and remain focussed but it’s essential that we carry on doing everything we can to keep ourselves and others safe by staying at home whenever possible. The temptation is there to go out and enjoy ourselves (especially with the nice weather we have been having) but if we all stick to our allotted exercise time and avoid social gatherings and unnecessary travel, this will all be over much sooner.
Difficult Times Ahead
Many of us have lost jobs, been furloughed, have been ill or know someone that is suffering. Some of us are struggling to work from home while trying to keep the kids entertained and maintain some level of education while the schools remain closed, and many of us are continuing to work frontline jobs to support us all through these challenging times.
PPE Shortage
While the government has put measures in place to try to support us financially, thousands of those that continue to provide frontline services are doing so without the essential equipment that they need to stay safe.
In particular, doctors, nurses, health care assistants and other health and social care workers have an extremely limited supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) which puts them and others at a great risk of infection.
The NHS are in great need of PPE for its workers including:
- Disposable surgical masks
- Gloves
- Respirator masks
- Hand sanitiser
- Gowns
- Ventilators and associated consumables
- Reusable protective eyewear
- Hazmat suits
- Antibacterial wipes
- Theatre caps
We have already donated PPE supplies where we can to the NHS and would urge anyone else to do the same if they are in a position to do so.
Thank You
Global Office Supplies would like to thank everyone for doing their bit to stop the spread of COVID-19; those of you that are staying at home, continuing to work safely, raising spirits, providing essential services, working on the front line and everyone else – Thank You!