Preparing for the EU Single-Use Plastic Ban One Business at a Time

With the European Commission (EC) proposing to ban the use of single-use plastics, many companies are putting strategies in place to ensure they are compliant. Some of these brands have already been implementing greener procedures and are almost ready for this new innovation.
What Businesses are we Talking About?
Since the start of 2018, Coca-Cola has signed up to the UK’s Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), meaning they are committing to steer away from using single-use plastic products. This is so far proving to be successful as the company is advertising it on its website, letting users know that all of its products are 100% recyclable.
Following this success, the soda giant is now aiming to expand on this and fully commit to ensuring all of the bottles produced will be constructed from recycled plastic.
By 2025, Asda has agreed to get rid of single-use plastics entirely and ensure its packaging is 100% reusable. As well as this, the supermarket chain will ensure that there is a 30% average of recycled material in its plastic packaging.
At the moment, the company is already implementing green practices such as reusing all of its George clothing line’s hangers and only recycles them once they are no longer usable. Finally, Asda has also stated that its bags for life are made from recycled plastics, we can only hope this is the case and are excited to see the business grow more eco-friendly.
ASOS is an online fashion retailer which is now a member of the RECycling of Used Plastics Limited (RECOUP) in a bid to improve its plastic recycling schemes. From this ASOS says it recycles any of the packaging customers return, including all of its variety of plastic delivery bags.
Information form its website revealed that the fashion retailer recycled more than 450 tonnes of plastic between September 2016 and August 2017 which is a significant amount.
Finally, we have Tesco, the UK’s largest supermarket chain, and just like Asda, Tesco is aiming to make all of its packaging recyclable by 2025. Previously, Tesco has been cutting down its plastic waste by replacing its single-use 5p carrier bags with 10p bags for life and has now placed a ban on all non-recyclable plastic in store by 2019.
What do we Think of This?
After looking into the new innovations these businesses have already put in place, and the plans they have for the future, we are very excited to see the levels of plastic waste reduce. We can only hope all businesses follow in these footsteps and, after carrying out more research, we’re sure more are going to follow.
Only time will tell, but we’re looking forward to it.
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