Poor Social Distancing Signage Could be Keeping Your Customers Away

Government guidance on social distancing has been in place since March and we are all becoming used to seeing signs and directions to help us keep a safe distance when we are out and about. Now that we are becoming better acquainted with new practices, most of us understand the importance of the measures that have been introduced to keep us safe.

However, now we are all familiar with the social distancing measures we should all be paying attention to, we are starting to notice which stores are not adequately promoting social distancing guidelines.

Nearly Half of Shoppers Could Be Avoiding You

In a recent European study, conducted by Roland DG, it was discovered that more than 40% of UK shoppers have stopped visiting shops that have unclear signage on social distancing.

The study revealed that clear signage has a serious impact on shopper confidence. Over 80% of shoppers in the UK said they feel safer in shops with clear signage on social distancing and 78% are more likely to shop in stores with clear instructions.

The study also showed that brands risk damaging their reputation by having inadequate COVID-19 signage with shoppers saying that the lack of signage shows that a business is not taking their safety seriously enough.

Not Just Shops

This study proves that people are taking the current pandemic seriously, showing that they feel unsafe if the appropriate measures are not being taken. This counts for offices, warehouses, healthcare facilities and all other business premises.

If staff feel unsafe in their workplace, they will not perform to the best of their abilities and could suffer issues with their mental health. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the correct signage is in place to help staff and visitors remain a safe distance from one another.

It is likely that businesses that fail to give enough attention to Government guidance will continue to see shoppers stay away from them.

We’ve Got You Covered

Global Office Supplies have everything you need to deliver clear signage and directions as well as promote good hygiene practices to help keep your workplace a COVID-secure environment.

Whether you need hand sanitiser stations, wall-mounted dispensers, antibacterial pens, sneeze shields, face shields, social distance stickers, signage, flags or banners we have it covered.

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