How to Achieve a Greener, More Sustainable Christmas…

How to Achieve a Greener, More Sustainable Christmas…

How to Achieve a Greener, More Sustainable Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, it’s important to remember that the way we choose to celebrate will impact the environment in one way or another. While Christmas is ‘the most wonderful time of the year’, it’s not always the most environmentally friendly.

The festive period is traditionally the one time of year where we go all out on gifts and food to celebrate with friends and family. It is usually the period of peak consumption. From the trees we buy to the food we eat, everything can have an effect on the environment. In just over three days of festivities, the average Brit will create the same level of carbon emissions as they would on a flight from London to LA.

However, with a little bit of preparation, it is possible to host an eco-friendly Christmas without skimping on the festivities.

Top Tips for an Eco-Friendly Christmas

Choose a gift that lasts

It can be tempting to panic buy presents, especially when we don’t know what to choose. Try to avoid buying too many gifts that won’t get used and will inevitably end up being thrown out. Something like a potted plant is kinder to the planet and will last a long time (forever if cared for properly).

Shop locally

Supporting local shops is currently more important than ever with many of them suffering at the hands of the COVID-19 pandemic. Buying locally doesn’t just support local businesses but will have much less impact on the environment than shipping parcels long distances.

Choose one big present

Choosing one big present is another great way to cut down on waste. By combining your budget into just one gift per person it will be easier to find something that they will love and keep for a long time. It also reduces the amount of wrapping you have to do and, of course, saves on paper.

Give a handmade gift

Another great way to help the environment is to make your own presents. Baking, sewing or painting someone a Christmas gift can help reduce your impact on the environment – and save you money!

Switch to eco-friendly wrapping paper

The amount of wrapping paper that gets used each year is phenomenal. Switching to an eco-friendly alternative can massively reduce the amount of paper that is wasted. Avoiding sticky tape, ribbons and paper covered in glitter that can’t be recycled also reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. In fact, ditching paper altogether and wrapping presents in fabric is even more sustainable.

Christmas tree alternatives

Every year we chop down trees to decorate our living rooms and throw them away when we are done. Renting a Christmas tree locally is one of the kindest things you can do for the planet, as each tree gets replanted at the end of the festive season. If you do prefer to buy one, choose one with an FSC certification to confirm that it has been sourced sustainably. Better still, why not opt for the less traditional approach and turn an existing house plant into your Christmas tree?

The War on Plastic

It’s important to remember that even though it’s Christmas and a time for celebration, the world is still fighting a war on plastic. In order to rid the world of such a harmful product we all have a duty to reduce the amount of plastic we use and ensure that any waste is recycled correctly, both at home and in the office.

Global Office Supplies is on a mission to help companies go green. We can help you reduce your impact on the environment by supplying green office supplies, print management and recycling services.

Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help your office go green:

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