€500 Fines For Non-Recyclable Plastic

€500 Fines For Non-Recyclable Plastic

Island of Capri Face Fines for Plastic Use

In a bid to tackle the ever-growing plastic crisis, the Italian island of Capri is introducing a ban on single-use plastics. The ban aims to reduce plastic pollution on the island, thus protecting its flora and fauna, and will be enforced by fines of up to €500 (£430).

The ban has been introduced following an investigation led by Legambiente, an Italian environmentalist association, in 2017 that found the sea and coast between Capri and mainland Italy contained the most plastic residue in the region of Campania.

Just in Time For Summer

Any plastic that is not recyclable or biodegradable such as plates, cutlery, cups and single-use bottles will be banned from 15th May just in time for the summer season.

Shops, that will no longer be able to sell anything made from single-use plastic, will be given ninety days to clear their existing stock. From then, anyone found to be selling single-use plastic could face hefty fines.

Following Suit

The new rules will apply to the entire island with a particular focus on beaches and coastlines and there is hope that nearby destinations will adopt the same restrictions with plans already in place to ban single-use plastic on the islands of Procida and the city of Naples.

Everyone is Responsible

There is a big plastic problem across the whole of Planet Earth and we all must contribute to finding a solution.

By making a conscious effort at home and in our offices, we can all do our part to limit the impact we have on the environment. Recycling, reducing the amount of plastic we use and buying products made from recycled materials are just a few things we can do to help make a difference.

There is an abundance of eco-friendly products available from recycled toilet paper to green office supplies. Make sure you get on board and do your bit to preserve the environment.

Global Office Supplies is on a mission to help companies go green. We can help you reduce your impact on the environment by supplying eco-friendly office supplies, print management and recycling services. What’s more, we can save you money in the process!

Get in touch today to find out more about how we can help your office go green:

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